Dropping by to rec a fic which sailtonorway recommended, too -
Inception - i am the hero of this story (don't need to be saved) She is thirty-two years old. Her husband is in a hospital bed, dreaming. They call him comatose and stumble around you can kill him if you like.
Mal fic. You GUYS. MAL FIC!
There are things about Inception that I've never said,
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Uhm, I only just found this: Settlingly Ever After, a Liz/Wesley fic. From 30 Rock! (Wesley was maybe my favourite thing about a season I'm not particularly impressed with.) And it is excellent, but that's probably just because it's dollsome.
I also just found Tiger Beatdown, a blog with the very appropriate tagline "lady business" (women! feminism! etc.).
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Bad Reputation was over-the-top and crazy and ridiculous and a total mess, but I liked it way more than last week. I may even love it, I don't know. Maybe because of the music? (Probably because I forwarded all the scenes that looked like they would annoy me.) ( weekly waste of time list )
This is the only thing I've been able to read probably in the last few days. It is BRILLIANT. Go read it now because THIS NEEDS TO BE PART OF YOUR LIVES.